Faculty, staff, alumni, and students:
Are you interested in collaborating with other scholars on potential academic publications and conference presentations?
Please join us for the ARC Scholarly Mixer on 5/29/25 at 7pm Eastern time!
Registration link will be provided here soon.
At the mixer, you will learn about opportunities and network in small breakout rooms to chat with potential scholarly partners or groups about your research interests. ARC can then help you to realize these scholarly dreams. Even if you’re just casually browsing, please do attend! It’s a fun and casual scholarly experience.
Please email Dr. Maggie Broderick any time with questions or input: mbroderick@nu.edu
Thanks to those who have attended our Scholarly Mixers!
We've had great groups and some excellent networking and discussions!
Please reach out to each other and to ARC for support.
We are excited to see your scholarly projects!
NU's Whole Person Center hosts a searchable database run by the Research Academy sub-committee (of the JFKSOPSS Grants and Research Committee). This is another great way to connect with NU scholars interested in collaborating on publications and presentations!
Welcome to the Advanced Research Center (ARC)!
ARC serves as a hub for alumni, students, faculty, and staff pursuing scholarly publications, presentations, and research.
ARC OLC Conference Proposals Workgroup
NU Faculty and Staff:
The Advanced Research Center (ARC) invites you to join our OLC Conference Proposals Workgroup!
The Online Learning Consortium (OLC) will hold its in-person conference in November at Walt Disney World in Orlando, FL. Our workgroup is for NU faculty and staff interested in collaborating on and/or receiving guidance and support on their conference session proposals. OLC’s deadline for proposals is May 21. NU is an OLC affiliate eligible for group rates to the conference. Once we have a group of presenters and attendees together, we can also work on getting a group rate to attend in November. If desired, faculty and staff may also be able to partner with interested students and alumni once our group is established.
Casual Zoom sessions are offered by ARC every Thursday from April 3 through May 8
5:30 pm Eastern time (2:30 pm Pacific time)
Attend as many sessions as you like!
Please email Dr. Maggie Broderick for more information at mbroderick@nu.edu
The JOGE is currently accepting submissions on a rolling basis for upcoming issues. Topics must fall within the scope of online graduate education. Research-based, practice-based, and literature review articles are considered for publication. The deadline for submission for our Spring 2025 issue is April 1, 2025.
The NU-sponsored CAVO conference is coming soon!
Interested in writing a short piece about online learning? OLC is seeking practice-based articles for their new online publication, OLC Insights!
The NU Office of Graduate Studies has important information on applying for awards for NU alumni, students, faculty, and staff who successfully publish and present while affiliated with NU. See the "Research Awards" sections on their page.
Visit the NU Library for detailed information and more resources on publishing your work.
Visit the NU Institutional Repository to view and submit scholarly items from the NU community.
Attend a library webinar about Scholarly Publishing & Communication.
Email Dr. Maggie Broderick any time to set up a consultation or to chat about your ideas and strategies for scholarly publications and presentations. mbroderick@nu.edu
National University's library collection includes the following helpful book chapter with guidance from the Advanced Research Center for scholars pursuing publications and presentations.
What motivates scholars to publish or present their work?
Interest in the topic they pursue
Interest in doing scholarly research in general
Participating in the scholarly community
Connecting deeply with colleagues/scholars
Lifelong learning
Pride in their accomplishments
Building up their CV/resume
Career advancement
So much more!