As of January 7, 2025, NavigatorSearch and EBSCOhost databases have gone live with a new look and a fresh, modern interface that aims to enhance your research experience and improve accessibility. We are in the process of updating our support materials to reflect this change. Make sure to check out this video for help using the new interface, and consider joining one of our drop-in sessions if you have any questions!
Please be aware that this updated interface is not specific to National University Library. It is a required update for all libraries that use EBSCOhost databases.
If you saved articles and other resources to your EBSCO folder, these will have transferred to your Saved folder in the new interface, except for articles saved in custom folders. These need to be moved manually. If you haven't done this yet, it's not too late. Please see this FAQ for information on how you can make sure that resources saved to custom folders are transferred over to your account in the new interface.
If you have any questions, concerns, or feedback regarding the update, please let us know. Thank you!