Scott, S. A. (2015). The character and influence of abolitionism: A sermon that gripped a nation and defined a man. American Nineteenth Century History, 16(2), 193.
This resource is a sermon that discussed being a citizen and how this was not being followed with those owning slaves.
Mason, M. author. (2006). Defending slavery. University of North Carolina Press. Retrieved from
This resource examines the issues in the North and the issues in the South and how slavery fits into all of it. Focus specifically on Chapter 6: Defending Against Slavery and Chapter 7: Defending Slavery.
Slavery: Episode 8—A Biography of America. Produced by Annenberg Learner, Films Media Group, 2000. Films On Demand, Accessed 8 Jan. 2024.
Stanley, T. (2011). North-south divide. History Today, 61(9), 35. Retrieved from
This resource provides information on the North and South reactions and the differing opinions on the issue of slavery.