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HUM-2020 v1

Computational and Critical Thinking

Week 4 Resources

Review the resources listed below to prepare for this week’s assignments. The resources may include textbook reading assignments, journal articles, websites, links to tools or software, videos, handouts, rubrics, etc.

Computational Thinking and Creative Expression / 3 Video Series

Video 1 - A Powerful Way to Unleash Your Natural Creativity

You have three short videos to watch for this week. This first video showcases how slow-motion multi-tasking may be able to help you unleash your creativity to overcome barriers and challenges to solve problems. Questions for reflection…


1. What examples does the speaker give of persons who were successful, creative, slow-motion multi-taskers?

2. Think back to the last problem you solved. What was creative about how you solved the problem?

3. What examples does the speaker give regarding how Twila Tharp and Darwin handled slow motion multi-tasking?

Hartford T. (2019, Feb 7). A Powerful Way to Unleash Your Natural Creativity.[Video]. YouTube.

Video 2- The Art of Creating Awe

In this second video Rob Legato addresses the challenges of creating new reality scenes from movies like Apollo 13, Titanic and Hugo. Questions for reflection…

1. How did Rob Legato go about recreating the Apollo Launch in a parking lot? 

2. How did Rob go about creating the Titanic underwater scene?

3. How did Rob go about creating the leg caught on a moving train scene in Hugo.

Video 3- My Journey from Marine to Actor

In this third video, actor, Adam Driver, discusses the challenges he faced going from small town Indiana boy to Marine, to actor.  Questions for reflection…

1. How did Adam Driver describe his life right after high school graduation?

2. How did Adam feel about medically leaving the Marines for the civilian world?

3. How did Adam give back to the Marines after becoming an actor?

Driver A. (2016). My journey from marine to actor. [Video]. TedTalk.

Thinking Smarter: Critical Thinking to Improve Problem-Solving and Decision-Making Skills.

Thinking Smarter: Critical Thinking to Improve Problem-Solving and Decision-Making Skills.

For textbook readings this week, read Section 2:Clarity

Chapters 4-14, pages 21-79.

What are the takeaways regarding critical thinking from each chapter in Section 2?

Kallet M. ( 2014). Thinking smarter: Critical thinking to improve problem-solving and decision-making skills. John Wiley & Sons.

The Psychology of Diversity: Beyond Prejudice and Racism

This book presents a social-psychological study of diversity, the obstacles confronting diversity and the benefits of diversity. Read the second half of Part 2:

Psychological Processes chapters 7-9, pages 173-257

Answer the questions for Thinking and Knowing at the end of each chapter. After reading this information and applying your knowledge, you will have a better understanding of the psychological processes of understanding diversity.

JJones, J.M., Dovidio, J.F., & Vietze, D.L. (2013). The psychology of diversity: Beyond prejudice and racism. John Wiley & Sons.