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HUM-2020 v1

Computational and Critical Thinking

Week 5 Resources

Weekly Resources and Assignments

Review the resources listed below to prepare for this week’s assignments. The resources may include textbook reading assignments, journal articles, websites, links to tools or software, videos, handouts, rubrics, etc.

3 Ways to Make Better Decisions --by Thinking like a Computer

In this short video, you’ll learn 3 ways to make better decisions by thinking like a computer. Questions for reflection…


1. What are the three ways in which the speaker suggests you can make better decisions?

2. Think back to a decision you made recently to solve a problem. Were you happy with the way you solved the problem, or in hindsight do you wish you had made a different decision, and if so why?

3. If you could go back and replay your decision making process, what would you do differently?

Griffiths T. (2018, Oct 5). 3 ways to make better decisions --by thinking like a computer. [Video]. YouTube.


Thinking Smarter: Critical Thinking to Improve Problem-Solving and Decision-Making Skills

For textbook readings this week, read:


Section 3: Conclusions


Chapters 15-26,  pages 83-147.


What are the takeaways regarding critical thinking from each chapter in Section 3?

Kallet M. (2014). Thinking smarter: Critical thinking to improve problem-solving and decision-making skills. John Wiley & Sons.


Vision and Strategy: Strategic Thinking for Creative and Social Entrepreneurs

This book provides insights into strategies for creative thinking for creative and social entrepreneurs.

Read Sections 1 and 2, What is a Strategy and Why? and How to Develop Strategies, pages 1-42.

After reading the information you will be able to use creative strategies to develop entrepreneurial projects