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JFK Law Library

Everything you need for the JD program in the JFK School of Law including textbooks, study aids, legal databases, research services, workshops, guides and more.

Legal Research Resources

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Legal Resource


General National Materials:

Corpus Juris Secundum or American Jurisprudence, 2d

  • Lexis: Content Type >Secondary Materials >  Treatises, Practice Guides & Jurisprudence
  • Westlaw: Content Type > Secondary Sources > Jurisprudence & Encyclopedias – Alphabetized list has Corpus Juris Secundum (C.J.S) and American Jurisprudence, 2d.


A legal dictionary


  • Black’s Law Dictionary on Westlaw: Secondary Sources > Tools and Resources bar on the right side.

Annotated Reports:

American Law Reports - Federal

American Law Reports, 4th and 5th

  • Lexis: Content Type> Secondary Materials > Treatises, Practice Guides & Jurisprudence
  • Westlaw: Content Type> Secondary Sources> “By Type” – American Law Reports

American Law Institute Publications:

Model Codes, Reports and Drafts

Restatements of the Law, Reports and Drafts

  • Westlaw: Content Types > Secondary Sources > “American Law Institute”
  • Lexis: Content Type> Secondary Materials > Varies

Forms of Pleading and Practice and Legal Forms:

CA Judicial Council Forms

Current set of CA forms

Current set of Federal Forms

  • Lexis: State Materials > California > Secondary Materials > “Top Secondary Sources” > California Forms Of Pleading and Practice – Annotated OR “Forms”
  • Westlaw: Form Finder > Forms by Publication > Federal Procedural Forms


Uniform Laws Annotated

  • Westlaw  > Statutes & Court Rules > Uniform Laws Annotated

CA Materials:

-CA Supreme Court case reports (official or unofficial)

-CA Appellate Courts case reports (official or unofficial

-West Digest

-CA Jurisprudence 3rd

-Wests or Deering’s -Annotated Codes, including indices

-CA Jury Instructions, -Civil and Criminal

-Law Commission Reports

-Attorney General Opinions

-CA Code of Regulations

  • Westlaw>  State Materials> Cases > California State & Federal Cases > California State Cases / Lexis: Advanced Search: CA Supreme Court Cases from 1850
  • Westlaw: State Materials > Cases > California State & Federal Cases > California Courts of Appeal Cases Lexis: State > California > Cases > “CA Courts of Appeal Cases from 1905”
  • West’s Digest: Westlaw – State Materials > California > "Key Number Search Tool", which uses a word search to identify up to five key numbers OR with the "Key Numbers and Digest" feature (browse by subject using an expandable tree – no search terms required)
  • Cal Jur 3rdWestlaw – “State Materials” > California > Secondary Sources > California Jurisprudence
  • West’s Annotated Codes: Westlaw > Statutes & Court Rules
  • California Statutes & Court Rules > California Statutes Index
  • CA Jury Instructions: Lexis> Content Type > Jury Instructions > California / Westlaw:  Secondary Sources > California Secondary Sources > Judicial Council of California Civil Jury Instructions (CACI)
  • CA Law Commission: direct website
  • Attorney General Opinions: Westlaw> Administrative Decisions & Guidance > California Administrative Decisions & Guidance > California Attorney General Opinions /  Lexis: State Materials > California > Administrative Materials, Codes and Regulations > CA Attorney General Opinions
  • CA Code of Regulation: Lexis > California > Administrative Materials, Codes and Regulations / Westlaw: California Regulations > Current version of Barclays Official California Code of Regulations (CCR)

Federal Materials:

United States Supreme Court cases, any set

Federal Reporter, 1st – 3rd

Federal Supplement

Federal Rules Decisions

Tax Court Cases

Board of Tax Appeals decisions

Federal Digest

Supreme Court Digest

Annotated edition of US Code

United States Statutes at Large

Code of Fed Regulations

Loose leaf Tax Service

  • Supreme Court Cases: Westlaw > Cases > U.S. Supreme Court Cases / Lexis: Content Type > Federal > US Supreme Court Cases
  • Federal Reporter, Federal Supplement, and Federal Rules Decisions (all very similar) :Westlaw: Cases > Federal Cases / Lexis: Federal > All Federal Cases
  •  Tax Court Cases & Board of Tax Appeals Decision: Westlaw > Cases > Tax Court > Right sidebar: US Tax Court Cases
  • Federal Digest / Supreme Court Digest: General Search Boxes work on both
  • US Annotated Code (USCA) – Westlaw > Statutes & Court Rules
  • United States Code Annotated (USCA) / Lexis: Federal> US Code Service
  • US Code of Federal Regulations – Lexis & Westlaw:  Search box: Code of Federal Regulations (CFR)
  • Looseleaf Tax Service: Lexis: Search “CCH Standard Federal Tax Reporter”

National Reporter System

(1st to date for all)

Atlantic Reporter

New York Official Reports

Northeastern Rept

Northwestern Rept

Pacific Rept

Southwestern Rept

Southern Rept

Southeastern Rept

  • Searchable by case on both Lexis and Westlaw

Text and Treatises

Encyclopedia, treatises, or current text for all bar tested courses taught

Witkin, Summary of CA Law

Witkin, CA Procedure

Witkin, CA Criminal Law

Witkin, CA Evidence


  • Witkin on Westlaw: Secondary Sources > California Secondary Sources > California Texts & Treatises > Witkin's California Materials

Law Reviews and Journals

  • Westlaw: Secondary Sources > Law Reviews and Journals
  • Lexis: Secondary Materials> Law Reviews and Journals
  • 2,200+ Law Journals on HeinOnline

Other Resources:

Current Law Index or Index to Legal Periodicals

Local county and city ordinances

Local Municipal Codes

Legislative history – United States Code

Congressional and Administrative News (USCCAAN)

Local Court Rules


  • Index to Legal Periodicals on Westlaw only- Secondary Sources > Current Index to Legal Periodicals
  • Local county and city ordinances/ municipal codes –Search by County/City on the web
  • Local Court Rules – Searchable on Google
  • USCCAAN – Westlaw: Legislative History  > U.S. Code Congressional & Administrative News

Cite Checking Resources:

Shepard’s Citation Service or Westlaw KeyCite



  • Embedded into Lexis (Shepards) or Westlaw (Keycite)

Study Aid Databases