Brooks, F., McHenry, B., Tolan, K. L., & Gaston, B. E. (2015). A contemporary approach to substance use disorders and addiction counseling (Second edition.). American Counseling Association. 247-260. Chapter 12 of the online text covers the topics of spirituality and support groups in recovery.
W., Bill. (2013). Alcoholics Anonymous: The story of how many thousands of men and women have recovered from alcoholism. New York :Alcoholics Anonymous World Services. This is the autobiography of the founder of AA Bill W.
Dan Carracino (Producer), & Hanlon, K. (Director). (2012). Bill W. [Film] Page 124 Productions. This video chronicles the life of Bill W., the founder of AA. 105 minutes.
Narcotics Anonymous Sixth Edition (2008). Chatsworth, CA: Narcotics Anonymous World Services Inc. This is the basic principles of Narcotics Anonymous (NA).
Twelve steps and twelve traditions. (2012). New York: alcoholics Anonymous World Services. This is the basic materials of Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) presenting their foundational 12 Steps and 12 Traditions.