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Kelleher, J. D., & Tierney, B. (2018). Data science. The MIT Press Essential Knowledge Series. Kelleher, one of the pioneers in the data science field is sharing an introduction to data science, and the components that constitute it.
Byrne, D. (2017). Developing a researchable question. Project Planner. 10.4135/9781526408532. This tool provides a guide through the development of research questions.
Gerdes, A. (2022). The tech industry hijacking of the AI ethics research agenda and why we should reclaim it. Discover Artificial Intelligence 2(1). https://doi.org/10.1007/s44163-022-00043-3
Newman, I., & Covrig, D. M. (2013). Building consistency between title, problem statement, purpose, & research questions to improve the quality of research plans and reports. New Horizons in Adult Education & Human Resource Development, 25(1), 70–79. This article provides tips for building consistency between the title, problem statement, purpose, and research questions.
NU Dissertation Center (n.d.). Chapter 1. The hypothesis and problem statement unit provides resources and guidelines for developing research questions and hypotheses.
Siegel E. (2016). Predictive Analytics, Revised and Updated, Wiley Read Chapter 2: With Power Comes Responsibility: Hewlett-Packard, Target, The Cops, And The NSA Deduce Your Secrets (Ethics)
Clark, K. R. (2019). Ethics in research. Radiologic Technology, 90(4), 394–397. This article discusses the ethical guidelines for conducting effective and meaningful research.
Shone, J. (2021). Introduction to Quantitative Research Methods. Willey Read Chapter 1 and Chapter 3. A book on quantitative research, to be reviewed to better understand the process.
Venter A., De Vries M. (2022). Demonstrating the Elaborated Action Design Research (eADR) Model to Address Communication Challenges During Software Development, Springer Science+Business Media, LLC, part of Springer Nature
While at the time of the digitization, it is required to adjust the old models with new ones, we are only in early stages or better we find ourselves in the middle of the fast-paced evolution of the science. Work in progress is the ADR model and you may want to read more on this design here:
Schacht, S., Morana, S. & Maedche, A. (2015). The Evolution of Design Principles Enabling Knowledge Reuse for Projects: An Action Design Research Project (16), Journal of Information Technology Theory and Application (JITTA)
Rampsy K. (2020). The Data Notebook. What is Data Driven Research, Pressbooks.pub Read Chapter 1: What is Data Driven Research? Understanding the different type of research methods is important to ensure that the correct method is used during a study. In this chapter you will be introduced to the DDR or Data Driven Research.
Abramson A. (2023, Jun 1), How to use ChatGPT as a learning tool. American Psychology Association An article on the use of ChatGPT as a personal tutor/oracle that helps us verify our knowledge and introduces us to new relevant concepts.
Reitter, D. (2014, March 19). When to Act on a Correlation, and When Not To. Harvard Business Review. With an abundance of data stored by institutions, universities, public organizations, and private companies, a discussion about the use and importance of the future of Correlation Analysis is discussed here.
Sheng E. (2023, Apr. 3). In generative AI legal Wild West, the courtroom battles are just getting started. CNBC.com An article from the news, a legal case of accusing companies for plagiarism in a courtroom.
Brainard J. & You J. (2018, Oct 25) What a massive database of retracted papers reveals about science publishing's ‘death penalty'. Science An article about the increase of retracted research papers and dissertation theses due to Academic dishonesty caused by LLMs.
Wakabayashi D. (2023, June 26) Google and the University of Chicago Are Sued Over Data Sharing, New York Times A news article about the well-known data privacy case of patients from the University of Chicago Medical center and Google.
Wiggers K. (2023, Jan. 27). The current legal cases against generative AI are just the beginning, AI that can generate art, text and more is in for a reckoning. TechCrunch.com
Radwin, M. (2020). Data science + design thinking: A perfect blend to achieve the best user experience - Michael Radwin (Intuit). O’Reilly Online Learning. https://learning.oreilly.com/videos/data-science/0636920370871/0636920370871-video329150/