"See With Your Ears: Spielberg And Sound Design." YouTube, uploaded by Nerdwriter1, 17 Jan. 2018. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kavxsXhzD48
• An important part of the creative process is to really examine how other artists and creatives craft their stories and how they weave various techniques into the final product. Throughout his career, Stephen Spielberg has employed the talents of an incredible, award-winning sound design team. (8m 33s).
"Adobe Audition." Adobe.Com. https://www.adobe.com/products/audition.html This is the recommended digital audio workstation for this course. If you choose something else, your instructor may not be able to provide technical support.
"Pro Tools Music Software." Avid.Com. https://www.avid.com/pro-tools Pro Tools is a digital audio workstation developed and released by Avid Technology for Microsoft Windows and macOS.
"Audacity." Audacityteam.Org. https://www.audacityteam.org/ Audacity is a free and open-source digital audio editor and recording application software, available for Windows, macOS, Linux, and other Unix-like operating systems.
"Adobe Premiere Pro." Adobe.Com. https://www.adobe.com/products/premiere.html Adobe Premiere Pro is the recommended non-linear editing system for this course. If you choose something else, your instructor may not be able to provide technical support.
"Media Composer." Avid.Com. https://www.avid.com/media-composer Avid Media Composer is a video editing application or non-linear editing system developed by Avid Technology.
"Soundcloud." Soundcloud.Com. https://soundcloud.com/ Soundcloud is a music streaming service. You can make an account to upload and share music and/or sound projects like the Radio Drama.
"Frame.Io." Frame.Io. https://frame.io/ Frame.io is one central hub that lets you share media, track feedback, and streamline your workflow so your team can work closely together from anywhere in the world. This is a great sharing platform option for both the Radio Drama and the Sound for Picture projects.
"Vimeo: Video Simplified." Vimeo.Com. https://vimeo.com/ Vimeo is a video hosting, sharing, and services platform. You can make an account to upload and share video projects like the Sound for Picture.
"Freesound: Find Any Sound You Like." Freesound.Org. https://freesound.org/ Search “music” in the search bar for free music options, or look around for any sound effects you would like to download and use.
"Royalty-Free Sound Effects for Download." Pixabay.Com. https://pixabay.com/sound-effects/ A great option for music and sound effects to download and use in your projects.