Fundamentals of Web Development by Randy Connolly; Ricardo HoarISBN: 9780135863336
Publication Date: 2021-02-01
This textbook is intended to cover the broad range of topics required for modern web development.
Connolly, R., & Hoar, R. (2022). Fundamentals of web development. Pearson.
Chapter 5: HTML 2: Tables and Forms (skim section 5.5)
Chapter 13: Server-Side Development 2: Node.js (skim sections 13.5, 13.6, and 13.7)
Chapter 10: JavaScript 3: Additional Features (recommended, but not required)
Chapter 11: JavaScript 4: React (recommended, but not required)
Access these chapter reading links within your classroom. Your course textbook can be accessed via the DART eBook link in the Getting Started Module.