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Module 1 Required Resources


School Finance: A California Perspective
Townley, A. J., Schmieder, J. (2018). School finance: A California perspective (11th ed.). Kendall Hunt Publishing. ISBN: 9781524952822

  • Read Chapters 1-3.
    • This text is tailored to California School Finance and aligned to CAPE standards for school administrators to know and understand.

Your course textbook can be accessed via the DART eBook link in the Getting Started module.

Module 1 Optional Resources

Systems Thinking In School Organizations - Perspectives From Various Leadership Levels
Norqvist, L., & Ärlestig, H. (2021). Systems thinking in school organizations - perspectives from various leadership levels. Journal of Educational Administration, 59(1), 77-93.

  • This article gives candidates viewpoints from school leaders coming from a variety of school situations. This will provide information to meet the various leadership needs of candiddates coming from a variety of school situations and leadership perspectives.

Hiding in Plain Sight: Systems Thinking And School Organization
Kruse, S. D. (2021). Hiding in plain sight: Systems thinking and school organization. Journal of Educational Administration, 59(1), 43-58.

  • It is important to develop a mindset of considering schools as systems. This article gives candidates suggestions for creating a mindset toward systems thinking for analyzing their school and making good decisions at their school.

Systems Thinking For Principals of Learning-Focused Schools
Shaked, H., & Schechter, C. (2019). Systems thinking for principals of learning-focused schools. Journal of School Administration Research and Development, 4(1), 18-23.

  • Making changes at schools can be a difficult process. However, when school leaders consider their school as a system when making decisions about curriculum and instruction and other ongoing school improvement initiatives, they can avoid conflict situations by understanding the school as a whole and including those impacted in the decision-making process.