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Module 3 Required Resources


Calculus: An Applied Approach
Larson, R. (2017). Calculus: An Applied Approach (10th ed., pp.168-205, 252-304). Cengage Learning.

  • Read: Chapter 3: Sections 3.1 through 3.4
    • Differentiation is a fundamental concept in calculus, and it has many applications in various fields. Chapter 3 discusses several of these applications, including optimization, rate of change, tangent line, etc.
  • Read: Chapter 4: Sections 4.1 through 4.5
    • Exponential and logarithmic functions are two types of mathematical functions that are commonly used in various fields, including mathematics, science, engineering, economics, and finance. Chapter 4 gives the definitions of exponential and logarithmic functions and their close relationship. It also discusses the differentiation and application of both functions.

Your course textbook can be accessed via the DART eBook link in the Getting Started module.


Chapter 3 Section 1 Exercise 17:

Larson Texts. (2015, Nov 12). A0301017 2R Final [Video]. YouTube.

Chapter 3 Section 2 Exercise 39:

Larson Texts. (2015, Nov 12). A0302039 Final [Video]. YouTube.

Chapter 3 Section 3 Exercise 23:

Larson Texts. (2015, Nov 12). A0303023 Final [Video]. YouTube.

Chapter 3 Section 4 Exercise 25:

Larson Texts. (2015, Nov 12). A0304025 Final [Video]. YouTube.

Chapter 4 Section 1 Exercise 7:

Larson Texts. (2016, Jan 25). A0401007PB Final [Video]. YouTube.

Chapter 4 Section 2 Exercise 31:

Larson Texts. (2015, Nov 10). A0402031PB Final [Video]. YouTube.

Chapter 4 Section 3 Exercise 27:

Larson Texts. (2015, Nov 19). A0403027PB Final [Video]. YouTube.

Chapter 4 Section 4 Exercise 49:

Larson Texts. (2015, Nov 10). A0404049PB Final [Video]. YouTube.

Chapter 4 Section 5 Exercise 47:

Larson Texts. (2015, Nov 20). A0405047PB Final [Video]. YouTube.

Module 3 Optional Resources

Calculus Early Transcendentals

Menz, P., et al. (n.d.). Calculus Early Transcendentals: Differential & Multi-Variable Calculus for Social Sciences.

  • This supplemental resource has many solved exercises at the end of each section that can serve as extra problem-solving examples.