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Module 3 Required Resources


Your course textbook can be accessed via the DART eBook link in the Getting Started module. 


  • Chapter 7: Induction Fallacies
    • This chapter examines fallacies of induction, which are faulty, weak, or illogical attempts to raise the probability of the truth of an argument’s conclusion through inadequate means.
  • Chapter 11: Inductive Reasoning
    • This chapter dives into thinking critically about inductive reasoning—neither valid nor invalid, but on a spectrum from weak to strong. Of main interest here is that scientific truths, in the main, are asserted on the basis of inductive reasoning in theorizing about the natural (physical) world.

*The content in these chapters will help you sharpen your understanding of how scientific generalizing from a sample differs from everyday reasoning from analogy and generalizing.

Module 3 Optional Resources

Misc. Resources