Dukkipati. R.V. (2008). MATLAB: an introduction with applications (1st Ed.). New Age International Ltd. https://ebookcentral.proquest.com/lib/nu/detail.action?docID=3017388
Read sections 1.1 Introduction through 1.11 Element by Element Operations.
Gilat, A. (2014). MATLAB: An introduction with applications (5th Ed.). Wiley. https://go.oreilly.com/nationaluniversity/https://learning.oreilly.com/library/view/matlab-an-introduction/9781118629864/
Dukkipati. R.V. (2008). MATLAB: an introduction with applications (1st Ed.). New Age International Ltd. https://ebookcentral.proquest.com/lib/nu/detail.action?docID=3017388
Read sections 1.1 Introduction through 1.11 Element by Element Operations.
The PowerPoints below will help guide you as you work through the interactive components ofthis module. The PowerPoints are a great place to take notes.