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Week 7 Required Resources


Your course textbook, Human Behavior and the Social Environment, can be accessed via the Getting Started module in your course.

Schriver, J. M. (2020). Human behavior and the social environment: Shifting paradigms in essential knowledge for social work practice (7th ed.).  Allyn & Bacon. 

  • Read Chapter 7: Contemporary and Emerging Theories, Perspectives and Practice Models:  Identity, Diversity, and Development 

  • This chapter explores the history and background and recent research related to identity, diversity, and development within contemporary and emerging theories, perspectives, and practice models for social work practice with individuals.    



Vivian Chavez (2012). Cultural humility (compete) [Video]. YouTube. 

‌A short video by the professional who developed the concept of cultural humility. 

Angela Sterritt-TEDxJIBC Sterritt. (2020, January 7). Reconciling the power of one story [Video]. TedTalk. 

‌An example of the power of storytelling to understand the human experience.  

Foundation for Indigenous Sustainable Health. (2018). Understanding intergenerational trauma [Video]. YouTube. 

An overview of intergenerational trauma. 

Week 7 Optional Resources