When researching a question, don't use complete sentences. Instead, use the most important keywords! For example:
How are mobile devices affecting education?
The most important keywords are:
mobile devices AND education
Use Boolean operators to modify your search. This is very useful when you are searching for journal articles!
Boolean Operators
AND will narrow your search results:
"global warming" AND glaciers
OR will expand your search results:
"mobile devices" OR smartphones
NOT will exclude certain results:
cowboys NOT football
Use quotation marks to search for an exact phrase. This will help you find more specific results! For example:
social media = 8221 results
"social media" = 1140 results
Use an asterisk (*) after a set of letters to perform a truncated search. This will find variations of a word. For example:
will find results containing the words...
muscle, muscular, musculoskeletal, etc.