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SWR-300 v2

Lesson 8 Required Resources



TEDx. (2015, April 10). Social workers as superheroes|Anna Scheyett [Video]. YouTube. 

This resource goes into some detail about careers in social work. Anna Sheyett is a social worker who provides an uplifting explanation of what social workers do.

Allenby, M. (2018, November 30). An introduction to systems theory in social work practice [Video]. YouTube. 

As you may recall from Lesson 1, systems theory is multi-faceted. It can be difficult to grasp because it has so many important parts. In this somewhat casual video, Dr. Allenby summarizes the main concepts of systems theory for his social work students.  He grounds his discussion in an experience from his own life which helps to make systems theory even more accessible. 

Assignment 8a Resources