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Video: Patel, R. B., Sharma, A. (2020). Pandemic exposes planetary health crisis: New urban priorities | Resilience at risk webinar [Video]. Harvard Humanitarian Initiative (HHI). Retrieved from  

Summary: This talk between Dr. Anshu Sharma and Dr. Ronak Patel discusses how cities are ground zero for health problems linked to environmental issues. Dr. Patel explains how crowded cities with pollution and limited green space make people more susceptible to pandemics and other environmental threats. He emphasizes that clean air, water, and food access are vital for city resilience. The future requires new urban planning models that consider not just economics, but also social and environmental factors to create cities that can withstand future challenges. 

Purpose: This video teaches how cities' environmental issues (pollution, crowding) worsen pandemics and why future urban planning must prioritize environmental health alongside economic factors.