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Week 4 Required Resources


Your course textbook can be accessed via the DART eBook link in the Getting Started module.

Corey, G. (2023). Theory and practice of group counseling (10th ed.). CENGAGE Learning Custom Publishing.

  • Chapter 5 (focus on pp. 87-94)
  • Chapter 16 (pp. 355-372),
  • Corey's Theory and Practice of Group Counseling provides a comprehensive overview of 10 group counseling theories, demonstrating their application and synthesizing aspects.  Chapter 16 offers an integrative approach to Group Therapy.


In addition, to the required reading listed above, pick 1-2 articles to review from the list below. 



Week 4 Optional Resources

Corey, G. (2023). Theory and practice of group counseling (10th ed.). CENGAGE Learning Custom Publishing.

  • Skim Part 2:  Theoretical Approaches to Group Counseling (Chapters 6-15) throughout Weeks 2-4
  • These chapters will assist you with papers.