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Module 2 Required Resources


Your course textbook can be accessed via the DART eBook link in the Getting Started module.


Sebesta, R. (2018). Concepts of programming languages (12th ed.). Pearson Education. ISBN: 978-0-13-668075-8


  • Chapter 4: Focus your reading on top-down parser, the complexity of parsing, recursive descent parsing.

  • Chapter 5: Focus your reading on Name, Variables, the concept of binding, Scope, Scope and Lifetime, Referencing environment. 

  • Chapter 6: Keep deeper attention on Primitive data type, character string type, enumeration type, Array type, associative array, record types, tuple types, list types, union types, pointer and reference type, optional types, type checking, and strong typing.

  • Chapter 7: Keep deeper attention on Arithmetic expression, Overloaded operators, type conversion, relational and Boolean expressions, short circuit evaluation, assignment statements, and mixed mode assignment