How to get your Ph.D is an original study guide aimed at prospective and current postgraduate students, covering the process of accessing, undertaking and completing doctoral research in the social sciences and the humanities.
Designing Social Research aims to guide students and new researchers using everyday non-jargonised language through the jungle of setting up their own research study.
You create a table of contents (TOC) by applying heading styles — for example, Heading 1, Heading 2, and Heading 3 — to the text that you want to include in the table of contents. Word 2013 searches for those headings and then inserts the table of contents into your document. Then you can automatically update your TOC if you make changes in your document.
The original guide has helped demystify what many novice scholars feel is the “black box” of the peer-review process. Many faculty members have shared the guide with colleagues and trainees as a writing resource and to provide insights into what to expect during peer review.