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SoTE: Electrical and Computer Engineering

Prepare for Presentations

Preparing for Presentations
Below, you'll find a few suggested resources for learning
presentation tools, finding graphics, and citing properly using APA style.

eBooks on Presenting and Presentation Tools

Click a book cover to open the ebook in your browser. If you're having trouble getting logged in, click here for help.

Click to Access: Teach Yourself VISUALLY PowerPoint 2016  Click to Access: PowerPoint 2016 for Dummies  Click to Access: PowerPoint 2013 for Dummies  Click to Access: Presentation Zen: Simple Ideas on Presentation Design and Delivery, 2nd Edition  Click to Access: Presentation Zen: Simple Ideas on Presentation Design and Delivery, 2nd Edition 

Finding Graphics for Your Slides

Learn how to find charts and graphs using Library resources.

Find Charts and Graphs: Statista is a database of graphs that you can use in your slides and papers. Also try the resources on our Charts & Graphs tip page here to find ready-made data visualizations on a wide variety of topics.

Find Free Images: These databases and websites have lots of free images that you can use (usually with attribution):

How to Cite Sources in Presentations

Decorative cartoon of a presentation.

Generally, citing sources in a presentation isn't much different from a paper. Most of what you need to know you'll learn in the APA Step-by-Step Guide, but these shortcuts might help:

Remember, the Writing Center can help you with citation and polishing up written work.