Below is the current time in Pacific Time which is used for ALL university events and activities. Assignments in NCUOne are due by 11:59 PM Pacific Time.
Contact the Service Desk:
One of them may be just what you are looking for...
1. Download Office 365 Suite 2. Kaltura User Guide 3. NU PowerPoint Template 4. NCUOne Student Guide 5. Infographic Example
Looking for information on courses, program, and policy? Check out the NU Catalog.
Chat Hours
Sunday 12 pm - 7 pm
Monday 3 pm - 8 pm
Tuesday 3 pm - 8 pm
Wednesday 3 pm - 8 pm
Thursday 4 pm - 8 pm
Friday 4:30 pm -8 pm
Saturday 8 am - 2 pm
Chat hours are in Pacific time.