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Week 4 Resources

  • Essentials of Health Economics

Dewar, D. M. (2017). Essentials of health economics (2nd ed.). Jones and Bartlett Learning.

Part II: Healthcare Markets, pages, 15-31. Chapter 3, The Competitive Market, pages, 17-22. Chapter 4, Noncompetitive Markets and Market Failure, pages, 23-31. Part IV: Chapter 11, Healthcare Production and Costs, pages, 85-91. Chapter 13, Technology Transfer in Healthcare, pages 103-108

  • Economics of Health and Medical Care

Hicks, L.L. (2021) Economics of health and medical care (7th ed.). Jones and Bartlett Learning.

Chapter 9, Market Power in Health Care, pages 155-173

To access the Redshelf book, click on the book link located in the Getting Started module or the Bookshelf link on the top navigation bar of the course. 

You will use this resource for all assignments to find an example of the topic for the week’s assignment. Identify your selection by the title of the article, provide a brief explanation of the relation to the week’s assignment, and a link. The instructor’s assessment of this component of the assignment will be under the critical thinking criterion.

Kaplan, A., & O’Neill, D. (2020, December 21). Hospital price discrimination is deepening racial health inequity. Catalyst. 

This article describes how physicians’ prices discriminate through the acceptance of private pay patients and the exclusion of underserved populations.

Optional Resources

Goozner, M. (2017). Financial engineering isn't going to solve healthcare's cost woes. Modern Healthcare, 47(49). 0026.

Discusses the reasons for the rising cost of healthcare

Duncan. J., & Mate, K. (2016). New payment models drive value: Healthcare systems are challenged to redesign care processes to better manage patients. Health Care Executive, 31(6), 664-666.

Reimbursement mechanisms that emphasize patient-driven value processes will result in cost-effective and improved patient safety outcomes

Hegwer, L. R. (2016). The future of healthcare finance. Focusing your strategies amid uncertainty. Healthcare Executive, 32(3), 10-16.

This article points out the necessity to rethink health care finance because of newly adopted reimbursement mechanisms.

Michal, R. (2017). The impact of takeovers on the acquiring firms in the pharmaceutical market. Journal of Competitiveness, 9(1), 89-102.

This study focuses on the impact of market structure on consumers and larger purchasers, of pharmaceutical products from the pharmaceutical industry.

Wong, A., Ahlquist, G., & Black, C. (2016). Beyond pilots: Building scalable, sustainable healthcare bundles. Healthcare Financial Management, 70(10), 56-62.

This article probes the challenges of bundled payments as a reimbursement mechanism.

Fainman, E. Z., & Kucukyazici, B. (2020). Design of financial incentives and payment schemes in healthcare systems: A review. Socio-Economic Planning Sciences, 72, 1-18. doi:10.1016/j.

This article focuses on the importance of strategic planning to maximize revenue and the variety of reimbursement/payment mechanisms in the industry.