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Lesson 3 Resources

Toward the Emergence of Entrepreneurial Opportunities: Organizing Early-Phase New Venture Creation Support Systems
Nair, S., Gaim, M., & Dimov, D. (2022). Toward the emergence of entrepreneurial opportunities: Organizing early-phase new venture creation support systems. Academy of Management Review, 47(1), 162–183. 

9 Ways to fail as an entrepreneur
Martinez-Aleman. (2019). 9 Ways to fail as an entrepreneur. Bench & Bar of Minnesota, 76(4), 14–17.

The Reflective Entrepreneur
Dimov, D. (Professor of innovation and entrepreneurship). (2017). The reflective entrepreneur. Routledge.
Part 1

Building a Successful Social Venture : A Guide for Social Entrepreneurs
Carlson, E. D., & Koch, J. L. (2018). Building a successful social venture : a guide for social entrepreneurs. BK.
Part 2.