How to Write an Outline
This is the NU website that has some information on how to create an outline. This will help in getting the format and detail for your outline due in module 1.
“We’re Doing This for a Reason.”
Giacobbe, A. (2021). “We’re Doing This for a Reason.” Entrepreneur, 49(5), 34–39.
This reading will help you expand your knowledge of problem-solving for entrepreneurs. There is a journal question for this reading.
Traditional Stereotypes of Entrepreneurs Out of Date and Preventing More Problem Solving
Traditional stereotypes of entrepreneurs out of date and preventing more problem solving. (2020, November 23). European Union News.
Problem-solving is an entrepreneur characteristic needed to be successful. This reading gives additional information for problem-solving. This reading may be used in the outline, case study, and presentation.
How Small Businesses Can Solve Big Problems
Schomer, S. (2021). How Small Businesses Can Solve Big Problems. Entrepreneur, 49(2), 52–55.
This is an additional reading on problem-solving. There is a journal question from this reading.
Research on the Intelligent Analysis and Visualization of Webcast Entrepreneurship Data under the E-commerce Mode
Liu, Q. (2021). Research on the Intelligent Analysis and Visualization of Webcast Entrepreneurship Data under the E-commerce Mode. 2021 Fifth International Conference on I-SMAC (IoT in Social, Mobile, Analytics and Cloud) (I-SMAC), I-SMAC (IoT in Social, Mobile, Analytics and Cloud) (I-SMAC), 2021 Fifth International Conference On, 980–983.
Analysis for an entrepreneur is important. Analyzing data as an entrepreneur is important in order to be successful. This reading is beneficial for the case study and presentation and podcast.
Research and Development of Innovation and Entrepreneurship Project Analysis System Based on Big Data
Liu, H. (2020). Research and Development of Innovation and Entrepreneurship Project Analysis System Based on Big Data. 2020 IEEE International Conference on Power, Intelligent Computing and Systems (ICPICS), Power, Intelligent Computing and Systems (ICPICS), 2020 IEEE International Conference On, 184–187.
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