Effectiveness of Restorative Justice in US K-12 Schools: A Review of Quantitative Research
Darling-Hammond, S., Fronius, T. A., Sutherland, H., Guckenburg, S., Petrosino, A., & Hurley, N. (2020). Effectiveness of Restorative Justice in US K-12 Schools: A Review of Quantitative Research. Contemporary School Psychology, 24(3), 295–308.
This article provides insight into over two decades of quantitative studies on the effectiveness of restorative justice (RJ). While there is still limited studies on the topic, evidence suggests that RJ programs can improve school climates and reduce student misbehavior and discipline.
A Systematic Evaluation of Restorative Justice Practices: School Violence Prevention and Response
Katic, B., Alba, L. A., & Johnson, A. H. (2020). A systematic evaluation of restorative justice practices: School violence prevention and response. Journal of School Violence, 19(4), 579–593.
This article includes a systematic literature review of 10 peer-reviewed studies on restorative justice practices in K-12 settings. While there is no standardization on implementing restorative justice for violence prevention and response, most programs reported positive results.
Impact of Zero Tolerance Policies on K-12 Education
McIntyre Jr., R. N. (2019). Impact of zero tolerance policies on K-12 education. In G. Crews (Eds.), Handbook of Research on School Violence in American K-12 Education (pp. 334-350). IGI Global. https://doi.org/10.4018/978-1-5225-6246-7.ch016
This chapter explains how zero tolerance policies in K-12 education that were originally designed to deter serious infractions are being misused for minor offenses. The inconsistent use of punitive actions has had a detrimental impact and has criminalized minor acts by lower-performing students and minorities, creating a school-to-prison pipeline.
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