Impact of a School-Based, Multi-Tiered Emotional and Behavioral Health Crisis Intervention on School Safety and Discipline
Bohnenkamp, J. H., Schaeffer, C. M., Siegal, R., Beason, T., Smith-Millman, M., & Hoover, S. (2021). Impact of a School-based, multi-tiered emotional and behavioral health crisis intervention on school safety and discipline. Prevention Science, 22(4), 492–503.
This study, funded as part of the National Institute of Justice Comprehensive School Safety Initiative, employed a randomized controlled study design to evaluate the impact of a multi-component package of crisis prevention and response interventions on school safety and discipline outcomes, including suspensions, office discipline referrals, bullying reports, juvenile justice referrals, threat assessments, and follow-up procedures.
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (n.d.). Violence Prevention.
This government website defines school violence, provides examples of school violence, lists places where school violence occurs, and provides statistics from the 2019 CDC’s nationwide Youth Risk Behaviors Survey (YRBS). It also provides guidance through available technical packages to help communities and states prioritize prevention strategies based on the best available evidence.
A Comprehensive School Safety Framework: Report to the Committees on Appropriations
National Institute of Justice (NIJ) (DOJ). (2020). A comprehensive school safety framework: Report to the committees on appropriations. In National Institute of Justice. National Institute of Justice.
The Comprehensive School Safety Initiative (CSSI) was initiated in 2014 at the request of Congress to provide a solid foundation of rigorously tested, objective, and independent knowledge and best practices about school safety. The information compiled from a collaborative effort from researchers, educators, law enforcement, behavioral and mental health, courts, etc., was used to develop a school safety framework for K-12 schools.
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