Shuai Li, Dongshuo Wu, & Youxia Sun. (2021). The Impact of Entrepreneurial Optimism and Labor Law on Business Performance of New Ventures. Frontiers in Psychology, 12. Shuai, Dongshuo Wu, and Youxia (2021) investigate the relationship between entrepreneurs' optimism and firm performance. This 200-participant study offers valuable insight into life during the startup phase of business. 15 pages
Bontas, O., & Bontas, D. (2021). Entrepreneurial Guidelines and Options. Economy Transdisciplinarity Cognition, 24(2), 18–28. This all-purpose article from Bontas and Bontas (2021) covers many interesting angles of entrepreneurship including goal mapping and necessary steps for engaging leadership.
Makdisi, M. & Makdisi, J. (n.d.) How to write a case brief for law school: Excerpt reproduced from Introduction to the study of law: Cases and materials. LexisNexis. This article shares insight on how to write an effective case study.
Burkhart, A. M., & Stein, R. A. (n.d.). Briefing cases. Thomson Reuters. This gives a great main website for law for entrepreneurs and how to read, write, and interpret briefing cases.
JD Advising. (2022, February 3). What is an example of a law school case brief template? JD Advising. This gives more details and examples of case briefs Proposed change to workforce law could boost entrepreneurs
Donaldson, A. (2022, August 5). Proposed change to workforce law could boost entrepreneurs. This is an example of a law changing to help entrepreneurs.
Holmes, F. (2022, May 30). Texas is now home to more Fortune 500 companies than any other state, and I'm not surprised. Forbes. This presents specifics on Fortune 500 companies moving to another state.
Erbschloe, M. (2021). Corporate Social Responsibility. Salem Press Encyclopedia. This article dives into the theory of Corporate Social Responsibility and how organizations have been trending towards a more social consciousness approach to business.