Elias, R. A. (2017). Should regulatory compliance be a goal or a constraint for health care companies: Finding effective methods to assure compliance with the Federal Anti-Kickback statute and the False Claims Act. Florida A & M University Law Review, 12(2), 247–292.
This article provides an introduction to the fundamental concepts of corporate compliance, federal regime for preventing fraud and kickbacks in health care services.
Rhoad, R. T. (2014). Ethical issues arising in healthcare fraud investigations and False Claims Act Qui Tam Cases. Health Lawyer, 27(1), 29–42.
This article dives into ethical issues in healthcare fraud investigations, conflicts of interest among corporate clients and constituents, privilege considerations with corporate constituents, among others.
U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, OIG. (n.d.). Fraud & abuse laws. Retrieved from https://oig.hhs.gov/compliance/physician-education/fraud-abuse-laws/
This webpage from the OIG provides information on fraud and abuse laws that apply to physicians, specifically the False Claims Act (FCA) and the Anti-kickback Statute (AKS).
Whistleblower Law Collaborative. (n.d.). A guide to the federal False Claims Act. Retrieved from https://www.whistleblowerllc.com/resources/whistleblower-laws/the-federal-false-claims-act/
This website provides a nice overview of the False Claims Act, discussing labilities, false records or statements, violations, damages and penalties, etc.