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Documentation in Social Work

Lesson 8 Required Resources

Professional Writing

Review all assigned resources on: Writing as a social work skill, writing emails, documenting client interactions in case notes, writing assessment reports, writing policy-related reports, and revising written work.

Writing Skill

Review all assigned resources on: The writing process, writing clear sentences, grammar, mechanics, including specific issues such as verb usage, building paragraphs including introductions and conclusions, avoiding plagiarism, paraphrasing, summarizing, and quoting, and revising, editing, and proofreading.

Social Justice

Review all assigned resources on: Linguistic bias, the tension between ethnic, racial, and cultural vernacular languages and standard academic English, code switching, singular “they” and unbiased language, confidentiality of client records, what to include in client records, client access to their social work records.

APA Format

Review all assigned resources on: The purpose of APA and other professional publication styles, using Academic Writer in the ASC as a tool, formatting in-text citations and reference lists, and all elements included in the 7th Edition Concise Student Paper Checklist.

Assignment 8 Resources  

Creating an eportfolio 

Eportfolio Organization 

Eportfolio Link 

These videos provide useful information about how to create a link to your eportfolio and submit it to Dropbox.