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LED-6030 v1

Leadership in the 21st Century

Required Resources

Review the textbook chapters and articles below to assist you with your studies this week. The following readings are the same for Modules 5 and 6. Students must complete all readings by the end of Module 6.  


The Fifth Discipline

Senge, P. (2006). The fifth discipline: The art and practice of the learning organization. Revised and updated. Currency Doubleday. 

  • Please read Part III (Chapters 8-11) 
    • Chapter 8: Personal Mastery- personal mastery refers to the continuous process of self-improvement, growth, and development that individuals undertake. Personal mastery is about achieving a high level of competency and excellence in a chosen field or area of expertise while also maintaining an open and growth-oriented mindset (Senge, 2006).  

    • Chapter 9: Mental Models- mental models refer to the deeply ingrained assumptions, beliefs, perceptions, and generalizations that individuals hold about the world around them (Senge, 2006). These models shape how people interpret information, make decisions, and interact with their environment. 

    • Chapter 10: Shared Vision- a shared vision refers to a unifying and compelling goal that is embraced and pursued collectively by the members of an organization (Senge, 2006). It's a clear and inspiring picture of the future that everyone in the organization aspires to create. Senge (2006) emphasizes that a shared vision is a cornerstone of a learning organization and a vital component of achieving long-term success and adaptability. 

    • Chapter 11: Team Learning- team learning refers to the process of enhancing a group's ability to collectively learn, problem-solve, and generate new insights (Senge, 2006). It involves developing a shared understanding and collective intelligence that goes beyond the individual contributions of team members. 

Please access this textbook via the RedShelf link in the Course Resources section of the Getting Started module.

  • Please read chapters 6-8 
    • Chapter 6: The Creative Energy of the Universe: Information- in this chapter, Wheatley (2006) explores the idea that people often misperceive information resulting in unpredictable behaviors and decisions. Information can serve as an organizational function in open systems, but it must flow freely like coordinated molecules in science.  

    • Chapter 7: Chaos and the Strange Attractor of Meaning- in this chapter, Wheatley (2006) draws parallels between chaos theory and human systems, suggesting that organizations and societies can also exhibit chaotic behaviors with unpredictable interactions and outcomes. 

    • Chapter 8: Change: The Capacity of Life- in this chapter, Wheatley (2006) explores the inherent ability of living systems to adapt, evolve, and respond to changing circumstances. Wheatley (2006) draws upon insights from the field of complexity science to explore how living systems, including organizations, exhibit a natural capacity to navigate change and uncertainty. 
