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Module 1 Resources

Birzer, M. L., Bayens, G. J., & Roberson, C. (2012). Principles of Leadership and Management in Law Enforcement [E-book]. Chapter 4. Taylor & Francis.

  • This e-book, Chapter 4, covers the most accepted leadership styles in law enforcement.

The importance of mindset in policing | Chip Huth | TEDxTacoma. (2015, April 20). [Video]. YouTube.

  • This TEDx video presents a captain on the Kansas City PD who tells how the department began to change dramatically to be more community-policing oriented. The importance of mindset in policing.

Policing the Bridge | Tim Mcmillan | TEDxSavannah. (2017, May 25). [Video]. YouTube.

  • This TEDx video by Lt. McMillian tells the4 heartwarming account of Lt. McMillian’s encounter with an African-American youth during a vehicle stop.

Mending broken trust: Police and the communities they serve | Charles Ramsey | TEDxPhiladelphia. (2016, February 8). [Video]. YouTube.

  • This TEDx video by former Philadelphia Police Chief Charles Ramsey discusses how policing must change for the better.