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Lesson 1

Global Logistics and Supply Chain Management 

Mangan, J., Lalwani, C. C., & Calatayud, A. (2020). Global Logistics and Supply Chain Management (4th ed.). Wiley Global Education US.

  • Read Chapter 1 (Introduction): This chapter lays the foundations of the textbook and explains the origins and applications of logistics and supply chain management, as well as giving descriptions of key concepts.
  • Read Chapter 3 (Supply Chain Strategy: Lean and Agile): This chapter introduces the various logistics and supply chain strategies that organizations employ in order to survive and compete within this complex and dynamic environment. Logistics and supply chain strategy is not, however, divorced from a firm's strategy, and so we first have to look at firm strategy and examine its relationship to logistics and supply chain strategy. We will also see in this chapter that not only is logistics and supply chain strategy part of a firm's strategy, but also in many instances logistics and supply chain strategy can be the key component within, and driver of, a firm's strategy.
  • Read Chapter 4 (Service Supply Chains): While most of the discussions concerning supply chain management take place in the manufacturing context – focusing on logistics operations and supply chains that deliver freight – there is, however, a relatively new body of research that analyses the operations and SCM practices that are required for the delivery of services. Hence in this chapter we now focus on service supply chains to identify their importance, their distinctions, their contexts and their future.

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