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Module 1 Required Resources


Your course textbook can be accessed via the DART eBook link in the Getting Started module.

Prinstein, M., Youngstrom, E. , Mash, E., & Barkley, R. (2019). Treatment of disorders in childhood and adolescence (4th ed.). The Guilford press.

Chapters 1-3

This reading is required, and it's necessary to help you with the quiz.

These readings will provide an introduction to the general principles of case conceptualization. Behavior disorders, including attention, deficit disorder, and conduct an oppositional disorders. It will give an overview of mood disorders and self-harm in childhood therapy. Bipolar disorder, and suicidal and nonsuicidal self-injury will be discussed. This will prepare the learners for the quiz in Module 1.


Module 1 Optional Resources

Prinstein, M., Youngstrom, E. , Mash, E., & Barkley, R. (2019). Treatment of disorders in childhood and adolescence (4th ed.). The Guilford press.

Chapters 4 and 5 are optional supplementary readings to help you gain a basic knowledge in child and adolescent therapy. The textbook delves deeply into each disorder and its treatment, and will be referred back to by you throughout your career. Please scan the supplemental readings so you can refer to them if necessary as vignettes and assignments come up in the course.