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Module 2 Required Resources


Your course textbook can be accessed via the DART eBook link in the Getting Started module.

Prinstein, M., Youngstrom, E. , Mash, E., & Barkley, R. (2019). Treatment of disorders in childhood and adolescence (4th ed.). The Guilford press.

Read Chapters 5 and 6

Review Chapter 4 on attention deficit, and hyperactive disorder, and Chapter 7 on bipolar disorder. These readings will focus on the diagnoses of conduct and oppositional disorder and depressive disorders, which are fundamental to the treatment of child and adolescent. These disorders are the bedrock of children seeking treatment and families seeking help for their children's problems. These chapters will also introduce you to the basic evidence-based theories in practice. These readings will help a student tailor theories of therapeutic change and interventions to meet the exact needs of particular clients. The treatment must meet the needs of the client and their developmental trajectory must be assisted.
