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Week 2 Micro-Competencies Resources
MC 8
Discovering Our Own Identities
Heinemann Blog. (n.d.).
Discovering our own identities.
Honoring Identity
Keefer, T.(2018, September 6).
Honoring identity.
Classroom Communities.
Critical Practices for Social Justice Education
Learning for Justice. (n.d.).
Critical practices for social justice education.
How Teachers Can See Students' Identities As Learning Strengths
Schwarta, K. (2016, July 19).
How teachers can see students' identities as learning strengths.
Student Identity in the Classroom: Building Purpose, Potential, and Persistence
MccREL International. (2015, December 17).
Student identity in the classroom: Building purpose, potential, and persistence.
MC 9
Teacher Bias: The Elephant in the Classroom
Marco Learning. (n.d.).
Teacher bias: the elephant in the classroom.
A Look at Implicit Bias and Microaggressions
Finley, T. (2019, March 25).
A look at implicit bias and microaggressions.
Implicit Bias Module Series
Kirwan Institute. (n.d.).
Implicit bias module series.
Checking Yourself for Bias in the Classroom
Francassini, E. (2-18, October 25).
Checking yourself for bias in the classroom.
Learning for Justice.
Why Teachers Must Fight Their Own Implicit Biases
Garcia, M. (2018, July 25).
Why teachers must fight their own implicit biases.
Education Week.
MC 10
The Iceberg Concept of Culture
Culture in the Classroom
Justice for Learning. (n.d.).
Culture in the classroom.
Consider Culture Before Referral of Culturally and Linguistically Diverse Students for Special Education Services
Farnsworth, M. (2-16).
Consider culture before referral of culturally and linguistically diverse students for special education services.
Color in Colorado.
Creating a Welcoming Classroom Environment
Color in Colorado. (n.d.).
Creating a welcoming classroom environment.
MC 11
Teaching About Stereotypes 2.0
Gold, J. (2016, January 11).
Teaching about stereotypes 2.0.
Learning for Justice.
How Stereotypes Affect Us and What We Can Do
Reducing Stereotype Threat
Washington University in St. Louis. (n.d.).
Reducing stereotype threat.
Stereotypes and Teacher Characteristics as an Explanation for the Class- Specific Disciplinary Practices of Pre-Service Teachers
MC 12
Helping All Learners: Learning Profile
EL Education. (n.d.).
Helping all learners: learning profile.
Getting to Know You: Learner Profiles for Personalization
Avallon, A. (2017).
Getting to know you: Learner profiles for personalization.
Education Week.
The World Needs All Kinds of Minds
TED. (2010).
The world needs all kinds of minds.
Comparison Between Asset and Deficit Based Approaches
University of Memphis. (n.d.).
Comparison between asset and deficit based approaches.
Beyond a Deficit View
White, B. P. (2016).
Beyond a deficit.
Inside Higher Ed.
MC 13
Does Your Teacher’s Identity Affect Your Learning?
Porulx, N. (2018, September 12).
Doe your teacher's identity affect your learning?
New York Times.
Identity, Teaching, and Learning
Intersectional Identities: Do Educators Empower or Oppress?
Asenuga, M. (2019, August 7).
Intersectional identities: do educators empower or oppress?
Learning for Justice.
Does Teacher Self-Identity Influence Classroom Practices and PD Effectiveness?
McREL International. (2015, December 8).
Does teacher self-identity influence classroom practices and PD effectiveness?
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