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Week 3
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Week 3 Micro-Competencies Resources
MC 14
Words Matter: Amplifying the Message Through an Asset-Based Approach
4 Sentences Educators Must Stop Staying About Students
Ward-Singer, T. (2015, October 19).
4 sentences educators must stop saying about students.
Corwin Connect.
How Asset-Based Teaching Can Improve Classroom Behavior
Raish, V. (2019, February 1).
How asset-based teaching can improve classroom behavior.
An Asset-Based Approach to Education: What It Is and Why It Matters
NYU Steinhardt. (2023, August 30).
An asset-based approach to education: what it is and why it matters.
MC 15
People First Language
Do Perceptions Matter?
IRIS Center. (n.d.).
Do perceptions matter?
Disability Etiquette & Person First Language
Niagara University First Responders. (n.d.)
Disability etiquette & person first language.
People First Language and More
Disability is Natural! (n.d.).
People first language and more.
Person-First and Identity-First Language
EARN. (n.d.).
Person-first and identity-first language.
Employer Assistance and Resource Network on Disability Inclusion.
MC 16
Community Cultural Wealth
Shaping Perceptions: Integrating Community Cultural Wealth Theory into Teacher Education
A Framework for Understanding Latino/a Cultural Wealth
Reconsidering Cultural Wealth in the Classroom: A Tale of Two Students
Haberlin, S. (n.d.).
Reconsidering cultural wealth in the classroom: a tale of two students.
Education World.
MC 17
What is the CASEL Framework?
Casel. (n.d.).
What is the casel framework?
Social and Emotional Learning (SEL) Competencies and Skills
MC 18
Equity and SEL
CASEL. (n.d.).
Equity and sel.
Social Emotional Learning and Equity
National Equity Project. (n.d.).
Social emotional learning and equity.
Applying an Equity Lens to Social, Emotional, and Academic Development
Innovation in Strategies and Practices to Promote Social and Emotional Skills
Integrating A Focus on Equity Into Social and Emotional Learning
Equity: At The Heart of Social-Emotional Learning
Long Story Short: Why Is Social and Emotional Learning Important for Equity in Education?
AIR. (2018, November 9).
Long story short: why is social and emotional learning important for equity in education?
The Intersection of SEL and Equity: A Saturday Morning Chat with #Satchat
Catto, S. (n.d.).
The intersection of sel and equity: a saturday morning chat with #satchat.
Week 2
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