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Module 1 Textbook Reading

Course Textbooks

Throughout this course, you will be reading from the following two textbooks. Please note the required reading for Module 1 listed in the bullet points following each textbook.

Freeman, D. E., & Freeman, Y. S. (2009). La enseñanza de la lectura y la escritura en español y en inglés en clases bilingües y de doble inmersión (2nd Rev. ed.). Heinemann.

  • Capítulo 1: El contexto para desarrollar la lectoescritura de los estudiantes bilingües (pgs. 1 – 29)
  • Capítulo 4: La historia de la enseñanza de la lectoescritura en español y en inglés (pgs. 86 – 102)
  • Capítulo 2: La concepción de la lectura como el reconocimiento de palabras (pgs. 30 – 50)

Serravallo, J. (2019). El libro de estrategias de lectura: Guía completa para formar lectores hábiles. Heinemann.

  • No required reading this week.


Acquiring the Textbooks

Both textbooks for this course are available in print only, so they cannot be accessed digitally through the NU Library or DART eBook. To acquire a hard copy of the textbook, you have two options:

  1. Purchase through the NU Online Bookstore. The bookstore offers free 2-day shipping, rental options, and discounted rates on new and used books.
  2. Purchase through any vendor. If you prefer to buy on Amazon, Chegg, or elsewhere, you can take this route.

Module 1 Required Resources

The resources below are presented in Lesson 1. Please refer to Lesson 1 for further guidance on how each resource relates to the module content.

Module 1 Optional Resources