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ITL516: Mathematics Integrative Design: Math Learning Disabilities

Read About Math Learning Disabilities for Elementary School Students


The articles below are part of the library's online collection. To read an article, click on it's title. You may be asked to verify you are a current NU student.

Bugden, S., & Ansari, D. (2016). Probing the nature of deficits in the “Approximate number system” in children with persistent developmental dyscalculia. Developmental Science, 19(5), 817–833.

Devine, A., Hill, F., Carey, E., & Szűcs, D. (2018). Cognitive and emotional math problems largely dissociate: Prevalence of developmental dyscalculia and mathematics anxiety. Journal of Educational Psychology, 110(3), 431–444.

Flora, C. (2013). No head for numbers. Discover, 34(6), 86–88.

Monei, T., & Pedro, A. (2017). A systematic review of interventions for children presenting with dyscalculia in primary schools. Educational Psychology in Practice, 33(3), 277–293.

Kumar, S. P., & Raja, B. (2009). Will dyscalculics be benefitted by dint of visual learning? Journal on Educational Psychology, 3(2), 27-32.

Mazzocco, M. M., Feigenson, L., & Halberda, J. (2011).Impaired acuity of the approximate number system underlies mathematical learning disability (dyscalculia). Child development, 82(4), 1224-1237.

Vasconselos de Castro, M., Bissaco, M. A. S., Panccioni, B. M., Rodrigues, S. C. M., & Domingues, A. M. (2014). Effect of a virtual environment on the development of mathematical skills in children with dyscalculia. PloS one, 9(7), 1–16.


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Fischer-Baum, S., McCloskey, M., & Rapp, B. (2010). Representation of letter position in spelling: Evidence from acquired dysgraphia. Cognition, 115(3), 466-490.

Kumar, S. P., & Raja, B. W. D. (2009). High self-esteem as a coping strategy for students with learning disabilities. i-Manager's Journal on Educational Psychology, 2(4), 14.

Mather, D. S. (2003). Dyslexia and dysgraphia: More than written language difficulties in common. Journal of Learning Disabilities, 36(4), 307-317.

Mayes, S. D., Frye, S. S., Breaux, R. P., & Calhoun, S. L. (2018). Diagnostic, demographic, and neurocognitive correlates of dysgraphia in students with ADHD, autism, learning disabilities, and neurotypical development. Journal of Developmental and Physical Disabilities, 30, 489-507.

Mundia, L. (2012). The assessment of math learning difficulties in a primary grade-4 child with high support needs: Mixed methods approach. International Electronic Journal of Elementary Education, 4(2), 347-366.

Pechman, R. R. (2010). D is for.. Scholastic Parent & Child, 18(2), 93–95.

Attention Deficit Disorder

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Kang, H., & Zentall, S. (2011). Computer-generated geometry instruction: a preliminary study. Educational Technology Research & Development, 59(6), 783–797.

Kercood, S., Zentall, S. S., & Lee, D. L. (2004). Focusing attention to deep structure in math problems: Effects on elementary education students with and without attentional deficits. Learning and Individual Differences, 14(2), 91-105. 

Li, Y., & Geary, D. C. (2013). Developmental gains in visuospatial memory predict gains in mathematics achievement. PloS one, 8(7), 1-7.

Nelwan, M., & Kroesbergen, E. H. (2016). Limited near and far transfer effects of jungle memory working memory training on learning mathematics in children with attentional and mathematical difficulties. Frontiers in Psychology, 7, 1384. doi:10.3389/fpsyg.2016.01384

Powell, S. R., Cirino, P. T., & Malone, A. S. (2017). Child-level predictors of responsiveness to evidence-based mathematics intervention. Exceptional children, 83(4), 359-377.

Raghubar, K., Cirino, P., Barnes, M., Ewing-Cobbs, L., Fletcher, J., & Fuchs, L. (2009). Errors in multi-digit arithmetic and behavioral inattention in children with math difficulties. Journal of Learning Disabilities, 42(4), 356-371.

Silver, E. (2003). Attention deficit disorder? Journal for Research in Mathematics Education, 34(1), 2–3.

Attention Deficit / Hyperactivity Disorder

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Abikoff, H., Courtney, M. E., Szeibel, P. J., & Koplewicz, H. S. (1996). The effects of auditory stimulation on the arithmetic performance of children with ADHD and nondisabled children. Journal of Learning Disabilities, 29(3), 238-246.

Fosco, W. D., & Hawk, L. W., Jr. (2017).Relating lab to life: Decrements in attention over time predict math productivity among children with ADHD. Child Neuropsychology, 23(2), 148–158.

Mautone, J. A., DuPaul, G. J., & Jitendra, A. K. (2005). The effects of computer-assisted instruction on the mathematics performance and classroom behavior of children with ADHD. Journal of Attention Disorders, 9(1), 301–312.

Ota, K. R., & DuPaul, G. J. (2002). Task engagement and mathematics performance in children with attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder: Effects of supplemental computer instruction. School Psychology Quarterly, 17(3), 242–257.

Passolunghi, M. C., Marzocchi, G. M., & Fiorillo, F. (2005). Selective effect of inhibition of literal or numerical irrelevant information in children with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) or arithmetic learning disorder (ALD). Developmental Neuropsychology, 28(3), 731-753. 

Auditory Processing

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Abu-Hamour, B. (2018). The cognitive profiles of Jordanian students at risk for math disability. International Journal of Inclusive Education, 22(10), 1093–1107.

Blomert, L., Mitterer, H., & Paffen, C. (2004). In search of the auditory, phonetic, and/or phonological problems in dyslexia. Journal of Speech, Language, and Hearing Research, 47(5), 1030–1047.

Hardy, G. (2010). Auditory learning. Mathematics Teaching, (218), 24–25.

Jordan, K. E., & Baker, J. (2011). Multisensory information boosts numerical matching abilities in young children. Developmental Science, 14(2), 205–213.

Karmiloff-Smith, A. (2010). Numbers game. Nursery World (Haymarket Business Publications Ltd), 110(4232), 22–24.

Visual Processing

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Carlson, A. G., Rowe, E., & Curby, T. W. (2013). Disentangling fine motor skills’ relations to academic achievement: The relative contributions of visual-spatial integration and visual-motor coordination. The Journal of Genetic Psychology, 174(5), 514-533.

Kim, H., Duran, C., Cameron, C., & Grissmer, D. (2018). Developmental relations among motor and cognitive processes and mathematics skills. Child Development, 89(2), 476–494.

Lambert, K., & Spinath, B. (2018). Conservation abilities, visuospatial skills, and numerosity processing speed: Association with math achievement and math difficulties in elementary school children. Journal of Learning Disabilities, 51(3), 223–235.

Lambert, R. (2018). “Indefensible, illogical, and unsupported”; Countering deficit mythologies about the potential of students with learning disabilities in mathematics. Education Sciences, 8(2), 72.

Logan, T., & Lowrie, T. (2013). Visual processing on graphics task: The case of a street map. Australian Primary Mathematics Classroom, 18(4), 8-13.

Lowrie, T., Logan, T., & Ramful, A. (2017). Visuospatial training improves elementary students’ mathematics performance. British Journal of Educational Psychology, 87(2), 170–186.

Witt, M. (2010). Cognition in children’s mathematical processing: Bringing psychology to the classroom. Electronic Journal of Research in Educational Psychology, 8(3), 945–970.