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WSCUC - Library Exhibits & Documentation

Breadth and Depth of Library Resources (2/27/2018)

Quality Assurance and Improvement for Programs

Component Committee 6

Library Prompt: “What is the process for ensuring the library resources are appropriate in breadth and depth for all programs at the Institution?”

All activities of National University Library are directly tied to the 2020 Strategic Plan of National University and the National University Library System 2020 Strategic Plan.

Program Awareness

Librarian representatives participate on University level committees: General Education Committee, Undergraduate Council, Graduate Council, and Research Council. This gives us insight into program changes, needs, and faculty perspectives on curriculum development. The Associate Director, Library Instruction and Special Projects monitors program and course change that go through CurricUNET and shares the information with the liaison assigned to the content areas so that resources may be updated accordingly. In addition, the library provides library documentation to support discipline accreditation bodies and program five-year assessment reviews. The library also supports new program review. The Associate Director, Library Collections and User Experience provides in-depth environmental scans and needs analysis for new programs in accordance with the WSCUC screening form. The Library support portion of the form requires a description of additional library/learning resources needed.

Collection Development

The Library Collection Development Policy provides direction to the User Experience Librarian, Collection Development Lead who monitors collection review sources, publisher title lists, usage statistics, frequently requested titles from other libraries through interlibrary loan, and makes selections based on subject profiles provide by GOBI, the Library’s primary online selection tool. They also collaborate with liaisons and faculty on recommended resources.

Library collections include 190 databases, 667,663 print & e-book volumes, 123,768 journals, and 40,813 DVD and Streaming video titles.

Access to Quality Electronic Resources

Students and faculty have access to online library resources 24/7. Current online or regional students and faculty may request print resources be sent to them through Books Direct (free 2-day delivery) or Journal Direct (free 24-hour electronic delivery) from the Library’s document delivery service.  In addition items not owned by the Library may be borrowed through Interlibrary Loan free of charge. A list of the Library’s electronic resources is available here:

Liaison & Instruction Library Services

Liaison librarians are assigned to each University college/school.  The liaisons collaborate with faculty on developing library program/course guides, tutorials, and course content tied to the Quality Asynchronous Plan. Liaisons also provide library instruction opportunities for foundation and research courses that are tied to course assignments and learning outcomes.  These presentations also focus on leading students to the quality resources identified for each program.

Library Staffing & Role of Professional Staff

National University Library System’s staff of twenty-five full time (including seventeen professional) and five part-time employees provide consistent access to library resources and services.