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ANA 680 Machine Learning

Lesson 1 Required Learning Resources

Gift. N and Deza. A. (2021). Practical MLOps: Operationalizing Machine Learning Models. 1st edition. O'Reilly Media.

  1. Chapter 1: Introduction to MLOps
  2. Chapter 2: MLOps Foundations

Mark Treveil, et al. (2021). Introducing MLOps: How to Scale Machine Learning in the Enterprise. 1st edition, O'Reilly Media.

Chapter 4: Developing Models


Emmanuel Raj. (2021). Engineering MLOps: Rapidly build, test, and manage production-ready machine learning life cycles at scale. 1st edition. Packt Publishing.

  1. Chapter 1: Fundamentals of MLOps workflow
  2. Chapter 2: Characterizing Your Machine Learning Problem

​​​​​​​(Article) Commonly used Machine Learning Algorithms (with Python and R Codes):​​​​​​​

Lesson 1 Optional Resources

(Article) A comprehensive Guide to Data Exploration:

A brief but comprehensive walkthrough data exploration, cleaning and engineering in Machine Learning

​​​​​​(Article) Regression– Classification:

​​​​​Introduction to machine learning with Jupyter notebooks: An example of Machine Learning project with time series data.

​​​​​A Step by Step CART Decision Tree Example: Detailed, hand calculated demonstration of decision tree method in model training 

​​​​​Precision & Recall: A review of the confusion matrix, a simple technique for visualizing the performance of a classification model.

​​​​The Random Forest Algorithm: An example of ensemble learning where each model is a decision tree. Covers the Bagging method

​​​​​AWS Machine Learning University: : A great set of lessons and videos on natural language processing, tabular data, computer vision and decision trees and ensemble methods from AWS.

​​​​​Machine Learning Operations: : A site discussing all aspects of MLOps in design, development, and operations.