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ANA 680 Machine Learning

Lesson 3 Required Learning Resources

​​​​​​Pramod Singh (2021). Deploy Machine Learning Models to Production: With Flask, Streamlit, Docker, and Kubernetes on Google Cloud Platform. 1st edition, Published by Apress.

  1. Chapter 2: Model Deployment and Challenges
  2. Chapter 3: Machine Learning Deployment as a Web Service

​​​​​​Mark Treveil, et al. (2021). Introducing MLOps: How to Scale Machine Learning in the Enterprise. 1st edition, O'Reilly Media.

  1. Chapter 5: Preparing for Production
  2. Chapter 6: Deploying to production
  3. Chapter 7: Monitoring and Feedback
  4. Chapter 8: Model Governance

Module 2 Optional Resources

​​​​​​Deploy Flask App to Heroku using Github Actions: A step- by-step instruction for deploying a simple FLASK application to Heroku.

​​​Learn Flask framework:

​​​​​Priscila Heller (2021). Automating Workflows with GitHub Actions. Packet publishing

​​​​​Miguel Grinberg (2018). Flask Web Development, 2nd Edition. O’ Reilly publishing

​​​​​Git and GitHub tutorial: