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ITL606 v1

Week 2 Micro Competencies Resources

MC 8

How your child plays, learns, speaks, acts, and moves offers important clues about your child’s development. Developmental milestones are things most children can do by a certain age.

The Wisconsin Department in Health Services (WDHS) is a leading researcher in childhood development. This chart lists typical and atypical development milestones for ages 4-8.

As your child grows, you may find yourself searching for clues to her behavior. As a parent, you may hear the words “developmental stages.” This is just another way of saying your child is moving through a certain time period in the growing-up process.

Children's development usually follows a known and predictable course. The acquisition of certain skills and abilities is often used to gauge children's development. These skills and abilities are known as developmental milestones.

Every child develops differently. Even children in the same family may develop at different rates. A typical toddler at 21 months may be ahead in some milestones and behind in others.

MC 9

As your child grows, you may find yourself searching for clues to her behavior. As a parent, you may hear the words “developmental stages.” This is just another way of saying your child is moving through a certain time period in the growing-up process.

The Wisconsin Department in Health Services (WDHS) is a leading researcher in childhood development. This chart lists typical and atypical development milestones for ages 4-8.

How your child plays, learns, speaks, acts, and moves offers important clues about your child’s development. Developmental milestones are things most children can do by a certain age.

Children's development usually follows a known and predictable course. The acquisition of certain skills and abilities is often used to gauge children's development. These skills and abilities are known as developmental milestones.

Every child develops differently. Even children in the same family may develop at different rates. A typical toddler at 21 months may be ahead in some milestones and behind in others.

MC 10

MC 11