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Lesson 3 Required Resources

The readings will offer you a foundation of knowledge about the structures of the body and the adaptations associated with training the cardiovascular systems, specifically through aerobic or anaerobic energy. Moreover, the supplemental readings will advance your understanding of how the psychological factors of motivation and self-determination affect training. Furthermore, we will dive deeper into the literature to uncover aspects of training/conditioning for sports that are not clearly defined with the Essentials of Strength Training and Conditioning.


Essentials of Next-Generation Sports Speed Training 

Dintiman, G. (2020). Essentials of next-generation sports speed training. The National Association of Speed & Explosion (NASE). Healthy Learning. 


  • Read Chapter 5: Step #2—Form and Technique Training.

Your course textbook can be accessed via the Redshelf link in the Getting Started module.

Lesson 3 Optional Resources

Lesson 4 Required Resources

Lesson 4 Optional Resources