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Module 4 Required Resources


Your course textbook can be accessed via the DART eBook link in the Getting Started module.


Wallace, P. (2024). Introduction to information systems (5th ed.). Pearson Education.


  • Chapter 10: Ethics, Privacy, and Security
  • Chapter 11: Systems Development and Procurement
  • Chapter 12: Information Systems Project Management and Strategic Planning

Chapter 10 explores the responsibilities that organizations and individuals share to treat data with care, make ethical decisions about its use, and protect it from countless threats. In the context of information systems, what do terms such as “ethics,” “privacy,” and “security” mean? Chapter 11 traces the life cycle of an information system, from the birth of the idea and the planning phase to the system’s implementation and maintenance. A lot can go wrong during this cycle, and projects can fail at any point. Chapter 12 explores the phases of a project from the beginning, in which a plan is first developed, through the processes used during each of the succeeding phases. You will also learn about the project manager’s role and the software tools that help track progress on tasks, work assignments, and expenses. 

Module 4 Optional Resources