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SoBE: Leadership Research Guide (CoBET)

Find NU Library resources to help you with research in leadership.

Leadership Websites

  • Drucker Institute Contains scholarship by and about Peter Drucker's leadership theories. The archives contain videos of Drucker himself talking about a wide variety of topics.
  • Leadership Theories discusses 8 major leadership theories.
  • National Visionary Leadership Project Co-founded in 2001 by Camille O. Cosby, Ed.D. and Renee Poussaint, The National Visionary Leadership Project (NVLP), a nonprofit, tax-exempt organization, unites generations to create tomorrow's leaders by recording, preserving, and distributing through various media, the wisdom of extraordinary African American elders - Visionaries - who have shaped American history. Library of Congress holdings.

Additional Web Resources

Websites from Change & Innovation

Professional Associations

Associations and institutes provide training & support as well as identify current issues and trends:

  • American Management Association - Leadership
    A small collection of surveys, articles, and white papers from the AMA pertaining to leadership.
  • Center for Creative Leadership
    Contains information about the Center for Creative Leadership and a variety of free white papers and articles produced by the center on leadership.
  • Center for Ethical Leadership
    The Center motivates people to practice ethical leadership, inspires institutions to create cultures of integrity, and gathers the community to animate cultural change, all for the common good.
  • Greenleaf Center for Servant Leadership
    The Greenleaf Center is an international non-profit organization headquartered in Indiana. The Center promotes the understanding and practice of servant leadership. The Center holds conferences, publishes books and materials, sponsors speakers and seminars, and provides information and services for its members.
  • Institute of Educational Leadership
    The Institute for Educational Leadership (IEL) - a non-profit, nonpartisan organization based in Washington, DC - envisions a society that uses its resources effectively to achieve better futures for all children and youth.
  • International Leadership Association
    The International Leadership Association (ILA) is the global network for all those who practice, study, and teach leadership. The ILA promotes a deeper understanding of leadership knowledge and practices for the greater good of individuals and communities worldwide.