Electronically request and receive articles, book chapters, or other resources when unavailable in full-text from the NU Library.
Content: APA database that offers full-text for journals published by APA, the Canadian Psychological Association, Hogrefe Publishing Group and APA's Educational Publishing Foundation. View the APA PsycArticles Journal History for a complete coverage list.
Purpose: Important database for psychology, counseling, and education students.
Special Features: The database is updated bi-weekly all content is available in PDF and HTML formats.
Content: One centralized search for all of NU's subscribed ProQuest databases.
Purpose: Search multiple disciplines with this collection of databases from ProQuest including ProQuest Dissertations.
Content: An education database covering curriculum instruction, administration, policy, funding, and related social issues.
Purpose: A specialized database for academic, scholarly, and peer-reviewed resources in the field of education.
Special Features: Includes a tool to discover citing articles, text-to-speech feature for some articles, and a thesaurus feature to assist you in the discovery process.
It also covers areas of curriculum instruction as well as administration, policy, funding, and related social issues.
Content: Multidisciplinary content in a number of different formats, from academic articles to magazines
Purpose: Provides users with a broad range of content about diverse topics in different source types
Special Features: Includes a visualization tool and browse-by-topic feature that aids in brainstorming topics, a Lexile feature that filters texts by difficulty, the ability to highlight and add notes to text, and a read-aloud feature.
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