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Research Writing and Analysis

This page contains information to support researchers with various research tools..


NU doctoral and IRB related researchers may have free access to Qualtrics through NU. Qualtrics is an online survey tool provided free of charge by National University. Access to Qualtrics is provided prior to NU IRB approval to ensure students have plenty of time to learn how to use the tool and prepare the survey. Students may not, under any circumstances, distribute any recruitment or other research related materials to or have contact with potential participants, or begin collecting data prior to NU IRB approval.

Email your request for a NU Qualtrics account to the IT Help Desk at A staff member will respond with your login credentials and any additional account information. Researchers can choose to use other online platforms as long as they are secure. However, researchers who use other platforms are responsible for formatting their consent to meet all NU IRB requirements.

The email request should include the below fields:

First and Last Name:
Student Email Address: 
Student or Faculty ID #: 
Current Program:
Doctoral Committee Chair (if applicable): 
Is your research for IRB related dissertation/doctoral project purposes? Yes or No. If no, please explain.

Please do not register your own free Qualtrics account, as it will not have University paid features included. If you have questions about using the product, please contact our staff at

On Demand Training Resources:

Live Qualtrics Support

Your university Qualtrics account includes access to live Qualtrics support. Access the live support through the Qualtrics support website. You will need to log into your Qualtrics account before you can access live support.

Qualtrics Support Website

Screenshot of Qualtrics support website with arrow pointing at Contact Support button.