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Research Writing and Analysis

This page contains information to support researchers with various research tools..

Analyzing Research Articles

A person looking at a laptop.
A person looking at a laptop.
A graphic of the SIFT research method
A person looking at a laptop.
An icon of a magnifying glass.
A flowchart
An icon of a checklist notepad.
An icon of a lightbulb.
Two different images of a person on a laptop.

Analyzing Research Articles Video Series

Survey the Article

  • Look at the title and source.
  • Skim the abstract, introduction, research method, results, and references.
  • Scan aspects, such as gaps, limitations, and future implications, call for further studies and key terms. 

Examine the Article

  • After determining that the article meets your research needs, examine and read the research with a purpose.
  • Paraphrase while note-taking.
  • Use a graphic organizer to organize your notes. 

Critique the Article

  • How does the research connect to your personal research question(s) and problem of interest?
  • What are the author’s claims, and does the author provide substantial evidence?
  • Do you accept the author’s claims? Why or why not?
  • What are the gaps, limitations, or biases, and how do they support or challenge your personal research question(s) and problem of interest?
  • What other sources support or counterclaim this research?